Friday, September 16, 2011


I was in LA recently visiting a friends new apartment. As I walking to her house, the sweetest little white dog came up to me. She was so sweet while I petted her. She ended up following me all the way to my friends house and my first thought was I have to take her home! But, my mom, who is less impulsive than me, said no, it could be someones dog, although she seemed too dirty to me to have been taken care of. So, my friend Mary let me give her a bath. I looked on Craigslist and no one posted a listing for her. So, I took her to the LA Shelter where someone could find her if they were looking. I was so sad and scared because it was a kill-shelter. But, I had no other choice except to wait and see if someone claimed her. No one did and the day she went up for adoption I went and got her. She's the sweetest, most playful, energetic dog! I love her and I just had to share my new addition who literally just walked into my life.